Tech workers, Unionize!

George Hermes
2 min readMar 1, 2024


It’s past time. We need an entity larger than us individuals to help protect us from the depredations of depredations of these enormous tech companies.

The most egregious trend lately has been to have record profits and then cut jobs.


And then the financial market speakers say “oh good job company now you’ve cut more workers so you’re cutting costs and your market value will go up.”

This is stupidly short term thinking, Obvs. Who is making your products? What is your product? Vapor?

Meanwhile we as the workers are getting screwed.

We were warned several years ago that what happened to the manufacturing sector in the United States was going to happen to “white collar” workers in the US; namely, that our jobs will be outsourced to other countries, where the “labor is cheaper“.

This is happening now.

As one example, IBM has more employees in India than in the US. This is rather strange for a US company.

I’m seeing this trend across all of the large companies — in the hiring boards, they want you to work with their employees in India, or wherever else on the globe.

If you do work in the US, trying to coordinate with coworkers in India can be very difficult because the time zones are opposite. And the market share these companies have in the East do not justify the level of hiring going on there.

So it doesn’t actually make any sense other than short term profits.

[And why is it so “expensive” in the US? Wealth gap. Weak labor laws. Weak economic laws. Among other things. It isn’t expensive for US companies. This is all greed of the few.]

I’ve seen this game before, and companies that are actually trying to accomplish any real work will pull back and decide, “Oh I guess we should have people in the same area in copacetic timezones so they can coordinate.”

Tech workers, UNIONIZE.

And start your own damn company — not to get bought, but to actually make something worthwhile.


Originally published here:

