Tech workers Unionize!

George Hermes
2 min readJul 22, 2023


Dear Tech workers. Have you noticed our sisters and brothers in media fighting for a living wage in the writers union and now the actors union?

It will be spun as the wealthy wanting more but it’s working people not making enough to live, fighting for fair wages. The huge profits from films and tv shows are not going to the creators.

We also need to unionize, we workers in tech.

You, yes you, who along with me, who work in the computer technology industries.

You need to unionize. We need to unionize.

I know we’ve been special and think there is no need for unions for Us.

However. Have you noticed the random layoffs based on wisps of rumors of “recession” despite record profits per quarter? Have you noticed the distinct lack of protective laws around you getting laid off? Have you noticed the constant priority of profits over people?

Are you not a person? The profits do not benefit you. Do they? Are you in a profit sharing company? A co-op?

Along with these layoffs, you’ve been given all the work that previously 5 people did.

They will keep piling it on and throwing us away unless we unite and unionize.

A union is the balancing force for workers against the corporate machine where only profit matters. There is a reason corporations vilify and fight tooth and nail against unions. They give us, the workers, power.

With a union, we can demand accountability of random corporate decisions.

We can fight back to ensure our work is valued.

We can require hiring to become more equitable.

Capitalism is not healthy. Enough with this short-term gain over people.

Sure you have the fantasy of wanting to be one of the extra rich (oh greed, where will it stop?) but you likely won’t. And why would you want that anyway? Look around you. Why are so many people in tents or on the street? What is the root cause?

Protect yourself and others now.


